Blood Tests :
Urine Analysis ,
Stool Analysis ,
Fasting Blood Sugar ,
Liver Profile , Renal Profile ,
Lipids Profile ( Cholesterol ) ,
HAV Antibody IgM ,
HAV Antibody IgM ,
HBs Antigen ,
HCV Third Generation ,
C - Reactive Protein ,
PSA ( Total & Free ) ,
CA 19.9 , AFP , CEA .
Ultrasound :
Abdominal - Pelvic Ultrasound
E.C.G :
to check your heart ,
Echocardiography ,
Carotid Doppler .
X - Ray :
Chest X - Ray
Meet The Doctors
also you will have EYE examination to check your eyes and you will see internist to discuss your results .
Dr. Sabry Ghaly
Internist & CEO